App Creator / Android Developer



I’m Tankery, a man who belief in tech, belief that tech is the power of social progress. Also love design, which can turn that boring, complicated tech into a elegance, concise surface. I hope that in my career, I can create lots of stuff that delights people.

Graduate from Huazhong University of Science & Tech, also a member of Dian Group. During that days, I finished lots of course project for software and hardware.

After graduate, I’m focusing on the Android development. I’ve improved WebKit kernal for Dolphin Browser, created a music player Pace for runners, and now build Fitness/Music Apps for smartwatches.

Fly The Code

Fly The Code

My own blog site - Fly the Code, most writen in Chinese, is a place to record my thoughts and learnings.

The website is hosting on GitHub Pages. Its domain is bought from Namecheap, build from scracth using Jekyll.

You can checkout the code of this page and blog site. They are both open soursed. Hope it can help you.